The Municipality of Huron East is re-branding! We recently completed a Strategic Plan, which identified the need for a municipal brand to enhance communication with residents through clear, consistent messaging. The Strategic Plan is available at the right side under "Relevant Documents". This Strategic Plan is a roadmap to achieve positive results for our community within this term of Council and beyond.

The Municipality is working with Cinnamon Toast to complete this exercise. Please see "Project Timeline" at the right side to learn more about the re-branding process and when it is expected to be complete.

What is a brand?

Contrary to popular belief, a brand is not just a logo, product, or service. A brand is a series of elements coming together to generate an emotional response to the community. A brand is a perception; what comes to mind when your name is mentioned and not what people say you are.

Why rebrand?

A revitalized brand identity offers a community many benefits, including an enhanced tourism and investment industry that helps attract consumers and sustainably nurture economic growth. Additionally, a brand identity will:

  • Differentiate a community from competing/nearby towns and cities
  • Forge strong emotional connections with audiences
  • Display a community’s distinct assets and exciting experiences
  • Spark curiosity in tourists; increases the number and length of visits
  • Help attract repeat businesses and drive investment to the area
  • Facilitate renewed civic pride/ambassadorship in residents and attract new families to the area
  • Provide an effective and polished platform from which to mobilize marketing activities and ongoing campaigns

How can I participate?

  1. Complete the Municipality of Huron East Community Rebrand Survey below.
  2. Attach a picture to our Vision Board of something (building, natural landscape, colour, flower, etc..) that you feel is strongly representative of Huron East and tell us why you chose it.
  3. Vote on your favourite logo and brand mid-October (more details coming soon!)

Community Rebrand Survey

Municipality of Huron East Community Rebrand Survey

Thank you for taking 10 minutes to complete this survey.

Collective results will guide the creation of the Municipality of Huron East’s updated brand identity, which aims to reflect our characteristics and identity. The outcome of this project will present a cohesive and attractive image of Huron East and celebrate its heritage, agriculture, and innovation. Your opinions matter and are appreciated!

The survey will be open until August 23, 2024 at 8:30a.m. EST. All responses to this digital survey are confidential, and respondents cannot be identified.

The Survey has now concluded.

Vision Board